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To ensure that the Solar Home System (SHS) technical design and other implementation/procurement arrangements will be effectively and efficiently carried out, the Strengthening Off-grid Lighting with Appropriate Renewable Energy Solutions (SOLARES) project facilitated a Consultation Meeting on May 3, 2019 held at Dole Kalsangi Clubhouse, Polomolok, South Cotabato. In attendance were members/management staff from Electric Coops’ SUKELCO and SOCOTECO II. Also present were Dolefil’s Directors Atty. Renato N. Alvarez and Mr. Yohei Kagikawa and DPO Manager Wilson A. Peria.  Mahintana sought the expertise of the ECs as they have experiences in implementing ASEP’s PVM Window 1 Project.

Project Manager Jobe C. Tubigon’s presented the SOLARES project overview, objectives, expected impact & outcomes, the SHS package and Procurement and installation timeline. His presentation also included the composition and functions of different groups such as the Technical Working Group, Technical & Financial team and the Advisory group. Additional members were added to ensure that the preparation, review & evaluation of bid documents will be in accordance to EU’s procurement standards and requirements.

The demonstration of the SHS technical specifications followed afterwards. Engr. Jay Amiel Ajoc explained the system functions, battery capacity and the load vending management scheme.

Currently, the project is conducting profiling, validation and social marketing while waiting for EU’s approval of the amendments of the contract particularly on change of SHS technical design/specs, project sites, and budget reallocation. Once approved, the posting/publication of bidding documents will follow. The group were able to share their suggestions and views to ensure that the right implementation/procurement arrangements & mechanisms will be applied.

Mahintana Foundation, Inc. in partnership with Peace and Equity Foundation, Electric Coops’ SUKELCO and SOCOTECO II is implementing the EU-funded SOLARES project for 3 years.

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On April 24, 2019, the Strengthening Off-grid Lighting with Appropriate Renewable Energy Solutions (SOLARES) project team facilitated a Consultation Meeting/Project Orientation together with local Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) held at Dolefil Kalsangi Clubhouse, Polomolok, South Cotabato. Representatives from five (5) MFIs namely: (1) KPS-SEED; (2) MDFI; (3) Sta. Cruz MPC; (4) KIMEMCO; and (5) Bacbacan MPC were in attendance. The purpose of the activity was to present the project overview and opportunities for future partnership and to gain the full support and engagement of the local MFIs.

Through Skype video conferencing, Peace and Equity Foundation (PEF) Project Coordinator Ms. Shunie Pearl Palacion, shared about PEF’s history and overview as a development financing organization engaged in the promotion and development of social enterprises. She also talked about partnership guidelines & requirements and answered the queries and concerns of the attendees. SOLARES Project Manager presented the SOLARES project overview/framework, Solar Home System technical design/specs, operational flowchart, and project management and implementation plan. He emphasized that the MFI’s role is to provide access to livelihood support to household beneficiaries of the project to help improve their income opportunities and capacity to pay for the maintenance fees of SHS systems. 

Project Officer Engr. Jose Jerry Tayactac initiated the demonstration of the Solar Home System (SHS) and explained the basic operation/installation process and explained in detail the charging process, battery capacity, prepaid loading system and the maintenance of the SHS unit.

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Updated: Sep 7, 2020

The SOLARES Project Team together with SOCOTECO II SBU Representative John Tindoy joined the ABC Meeting on April 8, 2019 at Maitum, Sarangani to present the SOLARES project and demonstrate the stand-alone photovoltaic system to the Brgy. Captains.

Mr. Jobe Tubigon, SOLARES Project Manager, briefly introduced the Solares project highlighting its framework, objectives and sustainability mechanism. He explained about the installation process as well as the payment scheme, where the member-consumer (MC) shall pay a monthly fee amounting to Php 222 which will cover up all the maintenance, spare parts and troubleshooting of the Solar Home System (SHS) units. The overall installation process will be covered by the project with no further cost for the MC.

Mr. Tindoy together with the SOLARES project officers demonstrated and explained the basic operation of the SHS unit which includes its charging, capacity, loading system and maintenance. He also explained that the project beneficiaries will automatically become members of SOCOTECO II and are also entitled to all the benefits provided by the EC.

The barangay captains of Maitum, Sarangani showed interest and positive response in the SOLARES Project and committed to provide assistance if ever needed by the project team to help in the project implementation.

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Strengthening Off-grid Lighting with Appropriate Renewable Energy Solutions (SOLARES)

A Project supported by the European Union and Dole Philippines, Inc.

Implemented by Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and Peace & Equity Foundation



The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the SOLARES Project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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