The project team together with SOCOTECO II conducted a community consultation to 8 barangays of Maitum to continue project implementation in the area. Engr. Jay Amiel Ajoc, SOLARES project coordinator, briefly presented a project orientation to barangay chieftains, IPMR, and NCIP representatives for them to be informed of the project goal and its implementer, Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and its existing programs.
All the eight barangay chieftains agreed for SOLARES to continue project implementation covering barangays Wali, New La Union, Zion, Batian, Upo, Kalaneg, Kalaong, and Tuanadato. A resolution from IPS and NCIP regarding this approval will follow.
SOLARES Project made sure to observe safety protocols to properly minimize contact among participants such as wearing of mask and social distancing during the entire event. In preparation for the activity, the project staff informed the municipal local government unit regarding travel and conduct of the activity.