SOLARES project staff, led by SOLARES Project Manager, Mr. Jobe Tubigon along with SOCOTECOII SBU representative, Mr. John Tindoy, joined the ABC meeting in Kiamba attended by barangay captains of Kiamba, Sarangani Province.
After the presentation of the SOLARES Project to the ABC committee, Mr. Tindoy demonstrated and explained the basic operation of the Solar Home System (SHS) unit to the barangay captains which includes the charging, capacity, loading system and the maintenance of the SHS unit. He also added that the project beneficiaries will automatically become members of SOCOTECO II and are entitled to all the benefits provided by the electronic cooperative.
One of the barangay captains, Capt. Melanie Balanag raised a concern if the households along the coastal areas can also avail of the SHS unit due to the on-grid electrification prohibited by SOCOTECO II along that area. Mr. Tindoy explained the concerns of an on-grid electrification along the coast which includes soil quality and the risks of electrocution. He will be raising the said issue at their own staff meeting.
Barangay captains of Kiamba, Sarangani Province gave a positive response in the SHS Project. They will provide assistance to help in project implementation.
In the afternoon, the team headed to Maasim, Sarangani Province. The project was briefly introduced and demonstrated to ABC President, Alladin Tambingag and to Maasim Mayor, Uttoh Salem Cutan.
Mayor Cutan was very positive about the project especially on the project’s livelihood component. He discussed how far-flung barangays in Maasim would greatly benefit, Maasim farmers have to haul and process their products within the municipality proper because of the lack of processing equipment and electricity on the remote barangays.