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To equip the project team and ECs with knowledge on proper installation of PV systems, SOLARES project organized the Basic Electronics and Solar PV Installation Training on October 29-30, 2020 at The Farm, Carpenter Hill, Koronadal City with resource speaker Engr. Oliver Tolentino, Technical and Operations Manager of Solarhub Photovoltaic Systems.

SOCOTECO II and SUKELCO along with the project team participated in the training. Engr. Tolentino facilitated the training with both lecture and hands-on sessions. He also recommended specialized tools for assembly and installation to ensure the quality of each process (from connector, cables, cords, to panels).

The hands-on demo of solar panel installation closed the first day of training.

Day 2 of the training included a visit to Solarhub Photovoltaic Systems office. Four REC 270W-panels powered a 1hp solar-powered submersible pump. Engr. Tolentino shared what factors to consider when installing panels and the impact of shading on the overall energy generated from the panel. He demonstrated by letting the participants adjust a fifth panel and observe changes through the inverter.

SOLARES Project made sure to observe safety protocols to properly minimize contact among participants such as wearing of mask and social distancing during the entire event.

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The project team together with SOCOTECO II conducted a community consultation to 8 barangays of Maitum to continue project implementation in the area. Engr. Jay Amiel Ajoc, SOLARES project coordinator, briefly presented a project orientation to barangay chieftains, IPMR, and NCIP representatives for them to be informed of the project goal and its implementer, Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and its existing programs.

All the eight barangay chieftains agreed for SOLARES to continue project implementation covering barangays Wali, New La Union, Zion, Batian, Upo, Kalaneg, Kalaong, and Tuanadato. A resolution from IPS and NCIP regarding this approval will follow.

SOLARES Project made sure to observe safety protocols to properly minimize contact among participants such as wearing of mask and social distancing during the entire event. In preparation for the activity, the project staff informed the municipal local government unit regarding travel and conduct of the activity.

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Clockwise: Hon. Rolando Garcia, Mayor of Kalamansig; SOLARES with Hon. Garcia, SB Member Felicisimo Opiña, and William Saratao; SOLARES with LGU Lebak, Hon. Fredrick Celestial, Mayor.

On June 18 to 19, SOLARES project staff Engr. Jay Amiel Ajoc, Project Coordinator, Engr. Dhan Jaycle Diolanto, Project Officer, and Ms. Grace Miguel, Project Bookkeeper, visited Kalamansig for coordination meetings to LGUs and monitoring at livelihood partners in the area.

On Thursday, the team sat with Hon. Rolando Garcia, mayor of Kalamansig regarding the resumption of project activities such as social marketing in the area. Engr. Ajoc shared project status and updates. Social marketing is projected to be conducted in 8 barangays and towards the end of June. The project team was permitted to conduct the social marketing, as long as protocols are being followed: coordination with barangays, secure the mayor’s permit, and only a maximum of 10 participants all with masks per gathering.

In the same day, the project team visited livelihood partners Bacbacan Multi-Purpose Cooperative for monitoring. Bacbacan Multi-Purpose Cooperative received the sanitation supplies: sprayer, disinfectant, masks, and alcohol. Supplies for Kalamansig Farmers Agricultural Development and Marketing Association (KFADMA) and Kalamansig Coffee Growers Association (KCGA) were also provided.

SOLARES project staff with Bacbacan Multi-Purpose Cooperative and KIMEMCO

On Friday, the team visited LGU Lebak for brief updates. They also visited KIMEMCO for the monitoring. During the 2-day activity, LGU Kalamansig and LGU Lebak received alcohol, disinfectants, sprayer, and cloth masks. KIMEMCO and Sta. Cruz Multi-Purpose Cooperative, having been previously visited, received alcohol.

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Strengthening Off-grid Lighting with Appropriate Renewable Energy Solutions (SOLARES)

A Project supported by the European Union and Dole Philippines, Inc.

Implemented by Mahintana Foundation, Inc. and Peace & Equity Foundation



The contents of this website are the sole responsibility of the SOLARES Project and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union.

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